Directly across from me old Hawk is sitting on one of the tables he's made holding a rubber band gun he obviously made from left over scraps. It shoots ping pong balls and every time a kid walks by he fires one into a car board box sitting there and it makes a loud pop. It gets the kid's
attention and he pulls Mom to a stop in front of old Hawk and he talks Mom into buying one for him and then she starts looking at his tables and buys one of those also. Clever marketing by old Hawk. Why do I call em old Hawk. He's 87 years old! God bless him. May we all live to be that age and still do the things we love.
Down the aisle a bit farther is a woman selling life like baby dolls. They really look like the real thing and they weigh about the same as a real baby. She's bouncing one on her knee and drawing a lot of attention. People are all holding them and cuddling them as if they were the real thing.
Here comes a cute couple down the aisle way. They look to be in their mid sixties and the man has a beard and a pony tail and she is wearing a denim skirt and has long brown hair. The kicker is: They are wearing matching tie dyed shirts! They look like a couple that met at Woodstock in 1969 and have been living happily together ever since in a VAN DOWN BY THE
Finally: I made some oven rack pulls from a Steve Good pattern with two notches in them, one for hooking on to the oven rack and pulling it out and the other for pushing it back in. I had to
explain to just about everybody under the age of 50 what it was and how you use it! And no you
can't use it in the microwave oven.
Back to the saw tomorrow. Stay Tuned!
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