I spent some time last night with Go Daddy support. They are pretty good, I must say, and the thing that really sold me on them is that they keep all their technical support right here in the United States. I hate to sound jingoistic about this but far to many companies today farm out their call center jobs to foriegn countries where poorly trained people who barely speak English try to help you solve whatever problem you have. Yes..."Peggy" is real and he is just as hard to understand as it looks on tv.
One of the things I learned talking to Go Daddy Support is that I have a lot to lear. Fortunately they make it pretty easy for you. They offer a lot of templates to choose from and step by step instructions on how to go about it. I am pretty confident I can do this and have a pretty good looking website where you'll be able to view my work, purchase products and link to this blog as well.
First step is planning and putting together a really good home page. I'll probably use the image you see at the top of the page here as the banner and there will be some pictures of some projects I've done along with my saw and maybe a couple of me actually cutting something.
I'll be making a products page with picutres of projects you can order along with their prices and a link to an order form. Most likely will use Paypal for transactions.
Also hope to have an "about" page where I can post some videos of the scroll saw process. A lot of people don't really understand what goes into a scroll sawn piece and this will give them an idea.
There is a lot to do and it looks a bit daunting at first until I actually sit down to do it.
Hope to have the first pages up by the end of the month.
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