Crowds : good
Venue: Excellent
Sales: Pathetic
What can I say. You can lead customers to your product but you can't make em buy.
I haven't totaled up the receipts yet but I don't think I even made back my space rental.
Very disappointing. What were the reasons? All the factors were perfect. Plenty of potential customers but they just didn't buy. In the first three hours I made $14! I know my product is good. I am very proud of it. I know it is fairly priced. But folks just were not in the mood to buy it even though they had high praise for it.
I think I'm going to focus on just the lower end items from now on. People just don't want the good stuff. They'll buy a 6 to 8 dollar word art, a $8 to $10 puzzle, but they aren't going any higher. The same people will spend $25 to $50 on costume jewelry. They know what they want and I ain't got it.
Also I know that my displays in a word SUCK! I tried to build some new shelves to display stuff
but they weren't big enough and steady enough in the wind. One blew over and broke about half the stuff on it. I need help designing and building displays. Any body got any ideas include them in the comments section. As Bones used to say to Captain Kirk "Damn it Jim, I'm scroll saw artist not a carpenter."
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