For the painting of this piece I used a similar technique to what I did with "Hearts in Love".
I started with a piece of poplar and painted it a glossy black. Then I covered both sides with painters tape, attached the pattern and sawed it out. Then before removing the tape I spray painted the inside gold and there you have it.
This is one of the most popular phrases for word art. People like to have it around to remind them to Live life to the fullest, Laugh because it feels so good, and never take Love for granted.
Last week was another hectic week for me. I was busy every night last week and none of it had anything to do with scroll sawing. It was basketball, hockey and a particularly painful committee meeting. All of it related to announcing. While I'd like to be in the shop these evenings I need to make hay on the announcing business while the sun shines. This week looks a little better.
I delivered the fretwork heart with the names and wedding date to Andrew last Monday and by the time he was through showing it around I had three more orders for it plus an order for a
couple of key chains and a kids coat rack! Looks like I have my work to cut out for me (as opposed to having my work cut our for me).
I'm working on another fretwork box right now that I hope to have done this week although this week is almost as bad for non scroll saw events as last. Then I'll get to those orders.
Pictures coming. Stay tuned (just can't get away from broadcasting ).
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