Thursday, April 26, 2012
Eye Catcher!
Finished this one a couple of days ago. It is one of my favorites. Arguably the most important verse in the New Testament, the promise of salvation. This is what I call an eye catcher when displayed at craft shows. It draws a lot of "oohs and ahhs" and always sparks the question "How long did that take you to cut." Well the total time for this project is about seven hours. I work on it over the course of a week cutting about an hour and a half at a time. Just drilling all the holes for the letters takes about an hour. Don't sell man of these because the of the price but I have sold everyone I've made. The current price on this one is $65 which doesn't even come close to covering my time but the eye catching appeal usually draws people in to look at my other work and generally leads to other sales. I won't let it go for less than that and I often have people try to talk me down on it. Whenever I do sell one I need to make another right away.
On the website front, another page has been added to which details the scroll
saw process. The next step now in the works is to compile a products page with prices and then an order form. I'm going to see how it goes for a while taking individual orders before investing in Paypal or a shopping cart feature. The challenge is going to be continually adding fresh content to keep people coming back. Will probably do that by adding new products to the home page. I've looked at some other websites that I like and will try to pattern my after them. The challenge is always going to be time. Still have the day job and a really lousy shift on that right now, but at least my mornings are free to do this stuff. Plus, the weather is finally getting nicer so biking, golf, and fishing have to be worked in as well.
Thanks for looking in, Check back again soon.
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