I suppose I should explain the picture of the tulips with the caption "This is Winter". Well it is kind of a reminder that when the sun returns with some warmth about mid April to early May,
those tulips that you worked so hard to plant and nourish last fall will start emerging and filling your yards and gardens with beauty.
These little beauties are the result of last weekend's work in the shop (which may have contributed to this nagging cough I've had for the past week. They are made from pieces of 2x2 and are a result of compound cutting. The pattern was designed by Diane Thompson. I am very pleased with the way the picture came out. I received a photographers light box specially designed for taking photos of small projects and it gives the pictures a nice professional quality. I am a little less pleased with the paint job. That is something I am still trying to master and so far it is pretty amateurish. I must say though, that I think they look fairly good compared to some other projects I've tried to paint. They kind of give me the inclination to go to Holland, Michigan this spring for a weekend at the tulip festival. If you've never been there for it put it on your bucket list. It is quite amazing to see and ocean of multicolored tulips as far as the eye can see. Oh, they also have an excellent craft fair that weekend too. Might just have to look into that.